Out of the 8 body constitutions, Pancreotonia embodies a powerful pancreas and a weak kidney. An individual with Pancreotonia may develop a stronger pancreas while developing a weaker kidney as he or she progresses through life, meaning that the cause for a potential disease is due to the surrounding organs being influenced abnormally by such mechanism between the kidney and the pancreas.
Pancreas > Heart > Liver > Lungs > Kidney
5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1 (Energy Magnitude)
An individual is genetically born with a specific energy magnitude, which is the life energy construction as well as the shape of the life energy itself. If an individual maintains the natural balance in his or her unique energy magnitude, no potential disease or internal conflicts will occur. However, it is when the life energy of the pancreas reaches above a 5 to a 6 or in the worst case, a 9 that the pancreas will explode. The following case above will collect an abnormal amount of heat, leading to a physiological issue with initial inflammation followed by exposure to potential diseases. It is important to consider that the highest number of patients with diabetes retain a Pancreotonia body constitution. When the energy magnitude in the pancreas reaches above a 5, the energy magnitude in the kidney falls below 1 in which high blood pressure is a common occurrence. The most prevalent diseases for patients with Pancreotonia are high blood pressure and diabetes. From the countless cancer patients we serviced, almost all patients with cancer in the pancreas were individuals with Pancreotonia constitution.
Primary Tendencies:
Individuals with a Pancreotonia body constitution are quite talkative due to the high heat collected in their stomachs. In contrast, Hepatonia and Vesicotonia body constitutions embody weak energy in the lungs, causing individuals to be less talkative as doing so will tire them easily.
Due to the performance in the pancreas, individuals with Pancreotonia can digest easily. Due to their tendency to feel hungry even after eating and high sensitivity in their taste buds, individuals with Pancreotonia find controlling their appetite extremely difficult. If an individual feels as if he or she has no appetite, then there is a potential problem within the body. Additionally, individuals of this constitution enjoy fruits with plentiful hydration.
Due to their high compassion, individuals with Pancreotonia are highly involved in volunteer services. They follow the motto: To give, to serve, and to love. Due to this motto, the most prevalent occupations for Pancreotonia individuals include priests, nuns, pastors, and missionaries. With a purpose to make the world a better place, individuals of this constitution are the first to help others.
Individuals with Pancreotonia require no naps, retain a quick sense, and can arrange multiple tasks. These individuals cannot be pinned down to a single place for a long time and rather enjoy an active lifestyle. Due to their tendency to be highly expressive in their emotions, they suffer from emotional turmoil and oftentimes are influenced by their emotions.
Most individuals with Pancreotonia are extremely healthy with the powerful strength and stamina to complete their tasks. In contrast, most individuals of the other body constitutions cannot keep up with their tasks as time progresses.
Impatience is a common tendency for individuals with Pancreotonia. Due to this, individuals of this body constitution may have issues with others by speaking without much forethought. Because of their active nature, individuals with Pancreotonia find staying at home doing nothing extremely difficult and could even develop depression if this lifestyle extends from 6 months to a year. Pursuing an active lifestyle is a golden key to individuals with Pancreotonia.
Individuals with Pancreotonia fight strongly for justice, in which they are not afraid to point out any signs of injustice seen before their eyes. Leaning slightly towards hypotension, a blood pressure measurement of 110/70 is the most optimal for individuals with Pancreotonia. Although their normal blood pressure tends to fall in the lower range, individuals with Pancreotonia suffer from even the slightest elevation in blood pressure (even a blood pressure measurement of 120/80 means that a potential disease may be accumulating). Due to their excellent vision, individuals of this constitution are highly sensitive to colors and often pursue a career as artists. Additionally, individuals with Pancreotonia tend to develop white hair faster than others.
Pancreotonia constitution allows for any pork or beef meats. Additionally, it is recommended that an individual with Pancreotonia consume pork or raw oysters to boost their body system. For the Pancreotonia constitution, an optimal diet is crucial for his or her wellbeing (one must avoid spicy peppers or anything that would cause heat to be collected within the body). It is important to consider that one with the Pancreotonia constitution will experience side effects when consuming pork that is mixed with sesame oil and spicy peppers. Similar to the Pulmotonia constitution, an individual with Pancreotonia is recommended to drink cold water as the first thing he or she does in the morning.
Optimal Diet:
For those with Pancreotonia, it is optimal to consume foods that strengthen the weakened kidney. Consuming multigrain rice mixed from barley (best), rice, bean, and red bean will help to reduce the heat collected in the pancreas and stomach intestines while strengthening the kidney. Barley rice and barley tea help to boost digestion while reducing heat in the stomach intestines as well as in the pancreas.
Optimal Foods and Activities(crucial for the health):
Beef, pork, milk (cold/hot), dairy products, butter, cheese, egg yolk, egg whites, majority of salt water fish, freshwater fish (eel & mudfish), clams, oyster, shellfish (shrimp & crab), ocean fish (with scales), swell fish, beans, soybean, pea, kidney bean, red bean, fermented soybean (natto), peanut, almond, cashew nut, carbohydrates (grains), rice (white), barely, buckwheat, mung bean, wheat, oats, rye, soy oil, canola oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil, root vegetables (radish, carrot, lotus root, burdock, & etc.), green vegetables (lettuce, cabbage, etc.), bracken (fem), cucumber, stems of radish, aster scaber, water dropwort, perilla leaf, pumpkin, zucchini, avocado, shoot of a fatsia, mushrooms (matsutake, shiitake, etc.), herbs, garlic, sugar, fruits (pear, watermelon, melon, Campbell early, grapes, strawberry, banana, pineapple, kiwi, pomegranate, blueberry, persimmon, raspberry, cranberry, Chinese matrimony vine, Reishi mushroom, CornusOfficinalis, aloe, Vitamin E, Dextrose injection, Dextrose powder, coffee, cold water, Alkaline beverage. gold, silver,
Foods (harmful for the health; worsen the weakened kidney):
Chicken, duck, poultry, lamb, goat, pistachios, pecan, chestnut, pine nuts, acorn, brown rice, sweet rice, crushed rice, sesame oil, potatoes, sweet potatoes (yam), Dioscoreaopposita, tomato, ginger, Chinese bellflower, taro, codonopsis, peppers (spicy & hot), scallion, onion, cinnamon, mustard, curry, seaweed, apple, clementine, orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime, mango, ginseng, red ginseng, Antlers of the deer, honey, jujube, Root of Ranunculaceae, Phellinus linteus (Aoshima), Yuzu (citrus tea), Japanese apricot, Schisandra chinensis, Vitamin B, ginger tea, jujube tea, Ssang Hwa tea, Ginseng tea, hot water, Acidic beverage, soda, alcohol, smoking, sake.
Foods that are harmful to the body when consumed too much:
Ocean fish (w/o scales), African/Indian Millet, corn, Job’s Tears, perilla oil, corn oil, beet, spinach, Allium tuberosum, bell pepper, eggplant, Nori, Papaya, peach, plum, cherry, Vitamin (A, D, & C), green tea, Chrysanthemum tea, adlay tea, quince tea, cocoa (chocolate), alcohol (beer, whiskey, vodka, & wine.
Optimal: Exercises that require sweating is highly recommended. Such exercises include sauna, sun tanning, jogging, fast walking, riding a bike, and hiking, gold, and silver accessory.
Worst: Swimming (cold), & breathing exercise (excessive exhaling).
Optimal Occupations:
Due to their highly extrovertive and active nature, careers that require sitting all day are not optimal. Not only will those occupations lower the efficiency level for individuals with Pancreotonia, but also elicit diseases from being inactive. Due to their curiosity in new occupations, one must retain a long-lasting relationship with his or her career to not suffer from frequent career changes. As a result, it is crucial to consider the 8 constitutions as well as their specific life magnitudes and tendencies.
Due to their excellent vision and tendency for pursuing celibacy, common careers include artists, priests, and nuns. Additionally, their quick sense and highly active lifestyle call for occupations such as diplomats, investigators, celebrities, actors, actresses, and comedians.
In the case of both parents with a Pancreotonia constitution, it is highly likely that a congenital diabetes will occur. Additionally, the consumption of alcohol and use of cold baths are harmful to individuals with this constitution.
Color Tendency:
Individuals with Pancreotonia prefer black and white colors, with blue being relatively unharmful. However, red and yellow colors are harmful as they take part in empowering the already strengthened pancreas and stomach.
Alcohol Use:
As with all other body constitutions, the Pancreotonia constitution is also unsuitable for alcohol. In the case that one cannot avoid the use of alcohol, it is recommended to drink alcohol made from barley (which plays a role in cooling the heat collected in the pancreas). While beers are relatively allowed for individuals with Pancreotonia, other alcohols with higher alcohol levels must be prohibited as they will trigger more heat within the body. It is recommended that one should consume pork or raw oyster, although too much consumption of alcohol could lead to diabetes.
Individuals with Pancreotonia suffer from constipation and could encounter serious symptoms if they cannot excrete wastes for 2 days. Additionally, individuals with this constitution must be able to excrete wastes to be healthy and free of diseases. Constipation suffered by individuals with Pancreotonia is due to the high heat retained in the stomach, whereas constipation suffered by those with Renotonia is due to the high heat trapped in the colon. A common shape of the waste excreted by those with Pancreotonia is a circular shape, similar to that of the waste excreted by goats.
While possessing excellent vision, individuals may suffer from weakening tinnitus and hearing ability. This is common to patients with unknown infertility, in which most of those patients who are also of Pancreotonia constitution develop such symptoms. Therefore, those with Pancreotonia must take in Vitamin E regularly from a young age and adhere to a healthy diet that corresponds to the Pancreotonia constitution. Although individuals with Pancreotonia embody an excellent digestive system, too much consumption of digestive enzymes will lead to the development of stomach ulcers. Ankylosing spondylosis is prevalent in those with Pancreotonia, followed by those with Hepatonia. If one gives birth in the summer and consumes high volumes of seaweed, symptoms such as Rheumatoid arthritis, neuralgia, and cold (shivering) feet could occur chronically.
Those with Pancreotonia embody high heat internally and low heat (cold) externally. Additionally, consumption of ginseng could weaken the vision of those with Pancreotonia. Ginseng is a medicine that goes into the stomach meridian, in which too much consumption could lead to diabetes as well as stroke.
The tendency of stroke: Those with Pancreotonia may encounter hemorrhagic stroke as the blood vessel ruptures from high blood pressure. Oftentimes when the cerebrovascular ruptures, those with Pancreotonia experience the blood vessels rupturing from the right side of the brain (which leads to paralysis in the left hand and feet). As the body weakens (worsens), those with Renotonia experience sexual desire while those with Pancreotonia experience excessive appetite. If those with Pancreotonia consume foods that are either too hot or spicy, diseases such as diabetes and stomach ulcer could occur.